TopMBA Weekly Pulse: May 15, 2014 |

TopMBA Weekly Pulse: May 15, 2014

By QS Contributor

Updated Updated

It is the last week before graduation for Catcher, and plenty of other MBA students, who will be looking ahead to their chosen careers.

UCD Smurfit is falling in line with the major golf tournaments currently underway, with the newly renamed golf society UCD MoneyBAGs hosting its annual tournament.

Decision time and application time are still not over for those at the other end of their MBA journeys; Sarah’s MBA Journey talks about the pros and cons of an MBA at Cranfield, while MBA the Non-Profit Way discusses the horrors of the ‘personal’ section of the MBA résumé.

Oh, and if you are having trouble balancing the sometimes hectic schedule of work and school or applications or just school in finals week, Writing in Transit has some great advice as well as an Excel sheet that can help with your time and project management.

This article was originally published in . It was last updated in

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